
辣木对癌症的帮助和疗效报告 ,网购 www.be.myzija.com


Oil of Ben Tree
藥材: (一)有木栓化樹皮.芳香的花排成圓錐花序.鼓槌般的長筴果內含油性植物種子;(二)辣木

成分:辣木營養超級豐 富.從為他A.B.C.蛋白質到鈣.鉀.鐵等礦物質幾乎一應俱全.根據學者統計只要三湯匙的辣木葉粉末就含有幼兒每日所需的270%維他命A;42%的蛋 白質;125%的鈣;70%的鐵及22%的維他命c.科學家研究發現.辣木所含的鈣質是牛奶的四倍.鉀是香蕉的三倍.鐵是菠菜的三倍.維他命c是柑橘的七 倍.為他A是貝塔胡蘿蔔素是胡蘿蔔的四倍.而辣木籽油比起橄欖油更為健康.有益人體.

(一) 印度和非洲是人們印象中的貧苦之地.印度次大陸好幾億人口.生活在貧窮線下.非洲黑暗大陸.更是戰亂飢荒頻傳.缺水.疾病及營養不良造成無數生靈塗炭.只 是在這種惡劣的環境中卻產一種被科學家譽為神奇之樹[辣木].它不但具備不可思議的豐富營養.還可以用來治療糖尿病.高血壓等病的要才.還具有淨水的功 能.堪稱是一種萬用植物 .

(二) 印度及塞內加爾以辣木葉做成醬料.而在尼羅河谷地.辣木果筴搗碎後是很有效的淨水劑.
(三) 奈及利亞人用辣木碎葉洗鍋具.牙買加從辣木幹中取得藍色染料.辣木籽油是極佳的食用油.而且不會腐壞.因此可以用作防腐劑.甚至潤滑油.
(四) 西非的醫生用辣木治療糖尿病.印度用以防治高血壓.它對若干皮膚病也有奇效.在美國和印度.南非等地早就有人拿來食用和療病.古埃及更早拿來煉油香料銷售給國外做化妝品原料.它的精油不但可美白肌膚外可以防老化.更可貴的它能除皺紋淡化斑點.消除青春痘等奇效.
(五) 辣木葉新奇的效能從除菌淨化污水補充營養到糖尿病.高血壓.風濕症.各種疾病.辣木最為人津津樂道之處.他全株均可食用.有人因此形容辣木是植物界的超人克拉克的肯定.看似平凡無奇.實則神通廣大.

(六) 瓜地馬拉的聖卡洛大學研究發現辣木粉及樹根含有一 種抗菌成分治療皮膚病和感染很有效.學者鄭重聲明樹皮及樹根等可以降低血壓和血糖.治療各種炎症腫大瘤疾.及如腸胃不適.風施政.關節炎等.甚至可舒緩神 經系統.對歇斯底里及止痛都有作用.值得注意的是.藥植物適量為藥.過量成毒.像辣木樹皮在印度用作打胎藥.但有時會造成孕婦血崩而喪命.
(七) 根據美國華盛頓人學博士生奧爾森鄭重聲明.辣木可以增強免疫力.可煉免疫力疫苗.防腫瘤擴大.癌細胞擴散.在美國和印度列入國寶級植物.
(八) 體外試驗發現有阻止癌細胞對Cridine和Tirymidime的吸收.在動物實驗1.可使帶患癌動物的遲緩型皮膚反應降低.恢復到正常;2.帶患癌動 物已以異種的紅血球礦員所生的抗體產生能力降低.Krerrin可阻止TgG抗體抗氧紅血球細胞與1gm抗體Hamrtrter紅血球細胞的能力降 低;3.本品可使帶癌症之動物感染抵抗力恢復.使宿主恢復到正常的免疫力來抑制癌細胞的增值.由於本品非化學殺菌劑.可減少化學副作用.
(九 ) 辣木有人拿來作為淨水劑.根據實驗一顆辣木籽押碎後就能使一公升污濁的水變成乾淨水.其中的雜質及細菌都會凝結後沉澱.更奇妙的是它不像一般的化學淨水劑硫化鋁.使用過量會產生毒性副作用.
(十) 根據天麗天然植物農場醫藥研究中心做臨床醫學測驗追中報導如下:用辣木提煉注射液.對貝拋棄患有嚴重皮膚病和皮膚癌的流浪狗做注射實驗.用辣木葉粉末同一 時間服用.一星期後患病狗皮膚乾燥不在流膿水.同時和小白鼠次是同樣效果.每星期打一針連續打四星期.結果很驚奇的發現這些病狗不但皮膚病痊癒了.在長出 新毛髮來.變成一之美麗可愛犬隻.可見辣木的免疫力強校外.不久的將來辣木可再台提煉腫瘤的免疫力液苗.據該研發中心測試所紀錄辣木效用廣大.對各種癌症 細胞還能阻止它擴散外.還能防腫瘤和癌細胞的病變.難怪科學界看好身價大力推廣.
(十一) 辣木葉和刺天茄治鼻咽癌.
(十二) 辣木葉和刺天茄.車前草治膀胱癌.
(十三) 辣木莖葉和刺天茄.小本山葡萄.一顆蘋果打歲治胃腸癌.
(十四) 辣木莖葉和刺天茄.小本山葡萄.龍葵地下根.治一般毒瘤.
(十五) 辣木對淨化血液特別有幫助.血液是近康的根本.當我們的血液成酸性時.我們的身體容易發生病變.所以淨化血液能夠強化體質.防範感染發病.並且能夠把已患 的病狀趕散到正常.身體因為外在或內在的原因.新陳代謝失常.代謝物在血液和組織中無法排除.因造成[毒血症].這才是一切疾病的根源.包括傳染病和慢性 病在內.細菌只有在毒性血液中方能發生破壞作用.所以自然療法強調[萬病一因].根據液體病理學.萬病一因.一切疾病的根源赧是毒血症.而毒血症則是[自 體中毒]行成的.由於錯誤的飲食習慣.錯誤的生活方式.情緒的因素和環境的污染.使排泄功能緩慢.因而引起身體中毒現象.

摘錄自”自然保健月刊第231期 2003.04”

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Cancer Treatment
Moringa Oleifera for Cancer Prevention or Treatment
As we learn more about cancer, we are empowered to use more of the tools which nature has created for us to help battle this terrible disease. The fight against cancer exists on many fronts, encompassing both prevention and treatment methods. In the past we have put all of our faith in pharmaceutical drugs, however these are not the only weapons we have at our disposal to do battle with cancer. Moringa Oleifera is a plant which is known to have many medicinal properties. It is becoming very clear that this natural resource is a helpful ally in a comprehensive treatment of cancer.
Moringa has been shown in studies to have an anti-tumor capacity. Moringa contains benzyl isothiocyanate. There are many studies that have shown this chemical and compounds derived thereof to have anti-cancer and chemoprotective capabilities. This chemoprotective aspect is critical for those who are battling cancer; this helps strengthen cells so that they can tolerate chemotherapy.
Moringa Oleifera has other characteristics which make it a good compliment to a cancer prevention or treatment plan. It contains an enormous amount of nutritional content; Moringa Oleifera contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids which are critical for good health. It is loaded with calcium, iron, potassium, protein, Vitamin A and C, and many more properties which promote a healthy body that has the tools to fight cancer. It is known to have anti- inflammatory, anti-viral, antioxidant, anti-allergenic, and pain relief uses. It has also been put to use to fight a variety of infections.
This incredibly useful tree has grown popular of late due to its ability to help sustain populations that have otherwise been fraught with nutritional problems. It tends to grow in areas where access to food and clean water are more complicated. The successes that many have had with Moringa Oleifera in promoting good health in some of the most devastated areas have lead many scientists to examine its properties closely. It is fast emerging as a means to prevent cancer. It is also gaining notoriety as a product which helps cancer patients who are currently undergoing pharmaceutical treatment.
Fighting cancer is about equipping your body with the tools to fight every day. While drug therapies are very useful in this fight, it is also key that naturally occurring dietary options are used as well. Total health will give a cancer patient the endurance to battle the disease with full energy. The anti-tumor properties in Moringa Oleifera will be of special interest to cancer patients. Also, for those undergoing chemotherapy, the chemoprotective properties associated with this wonderful plant will empower the patient to stand strong when using chemotherapy to fight cancer. Investigate the studies which show this plant to be useful in a comprehensive battle against cancer. Always be sure to discuss all of your treatments options with your doctor,including your choice of dietary supplements, as interactions between chemicals must always be closely monitored when undergoing drug treatment. Moringa Oleifera has exciting potential as an ally in the war against cancer.
Lupus Treatment
Treating Lupus with Moringa Oleifera
Lupus, an inflammatory, autoimmune disease, often affects the joints, skin, blood, and kidneys, and the exact cause of this chronic condition is unknown and cannot be easily defined. Authorities in the medical field indicate that it may result from a combination of factors, such as am individual’s genetic makeup along with certain unknown triggers of the disease, a bit like combining a lighted match and gasoline.
Those recently diagnosed with lupus will want to focus on reducing inflammation and managing the various symptoms that are related to the disease to maintain balance in their lives and avoid depression, panic, and fear.
There are also two essential steps they can take:
Learn to avoid flare-ups – Direct sunlight is the most common cause for one, but they may also be triggered by certain skin and scalp products or some medication you are taking. This may mean that you will need to take a vitamin D supplement, and you will also want to discuss all of your medications with your primary care physician.
Learn to live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle – This should include moderate exercise on a regular basis, giving up smoking if you are a smoker, following an anti-inflammatory diet, and taking nutritional supplements, especially omega-3s.
Why lupus victims look for alternative medications
The cost of the drugs generally used in treating lupus victims is prohibitive, and there is the possibility of serious side effects as well. Also, while they may alleviate some of the symptoms, research has yet to reveal that they actually hinder the process of the disease or help prevent damage to the organs.
Following an alternative treatment may help the patient cope with lupus or reduce the amount of stress endured by anyone who is dealing with a chronic illness. If the patient’s physician believes that one of the approaches has some merit and no negative factors, it can become part of that individual’s treatment plan, enabling him or to make an informed decision about how to proceed.
How Moringa Oleifera helps lupus patients
Moringa (also known as the horseradish tree) is a purely natural extract found in tropical regions that has been widely used in the East as a medication for centuries. It is also considered to be
much safer to use than the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that are often prescribed for lupus patients, including Voltaren, Kaspo, Adoil, and others. The various side effects of these drugs include the risk of kidney, circulatory, and digestive problems, just to name a few, increasing the risk of serious medical complications. Moringa, on the other hand, is less toxic than the other remedies,—and at least as effective. moringa is easy to combine with most medication because there have been no adverse reactions to it, and it contains no known impurities.
How Moringa works in the body
The leaves used for making the Moringa extract contain large amounts of anti-inflammatory, anti-toxin, and anti-oxidant elements, and they are also rich in the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that bolster our immune system. Because of the many benefits of Moringa oleifera, the European Union (EU), World health Organization (WHO) and other NGOs now plant and support its cultivation in various locations, including Africa, in order to combat malnutrition.
Above all, Moringa suppresses the COX-2 enzyme, which causes both inflammation and the pain related to it. It seems that anyone, including children and senior citizens in particular, can experience the benefits of taking Moringa. Athletes report a surge in energy from using these capsules, and many users are amazed because they feel the results so quickly.
Gout & Arthritis Treatment
Moringa Oleifera as Treatment for Gout & Arthritis
For many centuries Moringa Oleifera was used in traditional medicine, such as the "Ayurveda", as a treatment Arthritis and Gout. It was believed that Moringa Leaf Powder reduce inflammations and pain caused by these conditions.
In 2008 the Faculty of Medicine Health Sciences of the Putra University in Malaysia, published a research aimed to test if Moringa poses any Antinociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory activities, the same activities achieved by the drugs used in modern medicine such as NSAID (non- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The research found that the Moringa leaves posses substances that have antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activitie; in fact they found that it has high quantities of these substances. This means that Moringa Oleifera use in Indian traditional medicine as a treatment Arthritis and Gout was just.
The effects of the Moringa is suppressing the COX-2 enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for inflammation processes and pain. Usually the drugs used to suppress this enzyme are NSAID such as Voltaren, Nksin, Adoil, ARCOXIA, Kaspo etc. The side effects of these products include
risk for stroke, kidney problems, blood vessels problems, stomach problems and the list goes on. Combine the risks from the side effects with the existing condition causing the need to take the NSAID and the presence of pain combined with an inflammatory issue, and the risks for medical complications grow.
Moringa Oleifera in pure natural tree that has been used as food and as medicine along history, this means that it is much safer to use than NSAID but with similar effectiveness and less toxicity.
Diabetes Treatment
Moringa Oleifera: A treatment for Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease that is characterized by problems involving the hormone insulin. In healthy people, the pancreas releases insulin; insulin then works to help the body use and store the fat and sugar that is derived from the food that people eat. With diabetes, insulin can be compromised in a couple of different ways. In some cases, the pancreas doesn't produce any insulin at all. Other times, the body does not react in the right way to insulin - this is known as "insulin resistance." Finally, diabetes is sometimes characterized by a pancreas that produces an insufficient volume of insulin.
The Two Types of Diabetes
It's important to understand that diabetes is a disease that has no cure. Once a person develops diabetes, they will suffer from the condition for the rest of their life. Although diabetes may be triggered by a variety of different phenomena involving the pancreas and insulin production - or lack thereof - it can also be divided into two distinct types.
Type 1 Diabetes - Type 1 diabetes typically first arises in people under the age of 20, although it can happen at any age. Insulin-producing cells - known as beta cells - in the pancreas are completely destroyed by the body's immune system. In turn, the pancreas can no longer produce any insulin and insulin injections must be administered.
Type 2 Diabetes - With type 2 diabetes, a person's pancreas still produces insulin; the problem is that it either doesn't create enough insulin, or the person's body is resistant to the insulin that is produced. Type 2 diabetes commonly occurs in obese and overweight individuals - usually over the age of 40 - and is sometimes called "adult onset diabetes."
Managing Diabetes
There is no cure for diabetes. However, there are several ways to manage the condition in order to keep insulin at the proper level. There are several different techniques and strategies for managing diabetes. Some of them include:
carefully monitoring one's diet in order to keep blood sugar levels in check; using insulin injections as needed to maintain optimal levels in those whose bodies don't
produce the hormone; keeping a close eye on blood sugar levels by using special kits that measure insulin and sugar in
the blood; and following an exercise routine in order to keep blood pressure levels in check.
Moringa Oleifera: A Natural Treatment for Diabetes
As with any disease or condition, doctors and researchers are constantly seeking new ways to treat and manage diabetes. People are more concerned about using harsh, synthetic medications than ever before, which is what makes the promise of a tree called Moringa Oleifera all the more exciting. Moringa Oleifera is a tree that is originally native to India, but is now grown across the globe. As it happens, people in many developing countries - particular in Africa - have been using Moringa Oleifera to treat and manage the symptoms of diabetes for years.
Why does Moringa Oleifera hold so much promise for those who suffer from diabetes?
Primarily because of its many amazing, natural benefits. Moringa Oleifera has been shown to naturally boost the immune system, which usually becomes compromised in those who suffer from type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Moringa Oleifera has also been shown to possess many key anti-inflammatory benefits; diabetes often causes circulatory problems which can be managed through anti-inflammatory supplements. There are no negative side effects associated with Moringa Oleifera use, meaning that it is a safe, natural way for people to manage their blood sugarand care for their diabetes symptoms. It's just one more option for the many people who have to cope with this serious condition.









  1.体重减轻 如果一个月内既没增加运动量,又没减少饮食,体重却下降了10%,那么就应该及时就医。体重急剧下降、厌食、反复腹泻和便秘是最常见的肺癌、胃癌、肾癌及大肠癌症状,但也可能是甲亢、糖尿病。不过消瘦常常是晚期癌症恶液质的表现。

  2.发烧倦怠 长期发烧,是淋巴瘤和白血病可能出现的症状,也可能是癌症发展快的时候,释放炎症导致的。美国癌症协会专家表示,普通疲劳休息一下就会消失,而癌症的疲劳不论怎么休息都很难改善。

  3.如厕改变 大小便习惯改变,比如尿频、尿急、尿不尽或是大便次数变多,这时候要考虑前列腺增生、肠炎或者结肠癌、直肠癌。

  4.身体疼痛 要看哪里疼,如果是不明原因疼痛4周以上,就要引起重视。腰疼考虑多发性骨髓瘤、也有可能是其他癌症发生的骨转移。小孩膝关节疼合并体温升高,要考虑骨肉瘤。早期的脑瘤症状是头疼。

  5.伤口溃烂 皮肤小伤口长期不愈、变色、粗浅不一就要引起重视。食管溃疡和胃溃疡,部分会转变成疤痕癌。

  6.异常分泌 女性要注意,阴道出现异常分泌合并出血,要考虑宫颈癌。

  7.乳房肿块 乳房出现肿块、乳头凹陷,出现分泌物,要引起重视,考虑乳腺癌,建议女性一个月进行一次乳房自检。

  8.消化不良 反复腹胀,服用药物得不到缓解,考虑胃癌。

  9.疣痔改变 最典型的例子就是冯小刚(微博)电影《非诚勿扰2》中李香山患的黑色素瘤。疣或黑痔如果颜色加深、迅速增大、溃烂或出血等,要及时就医。

  10.沙哑久咳 咳嗽长久不愈,或者出现器质性呛咳,咳痰带血,或出现胸痛,考虑去医院拍张CT,排除肺癌。另外喉癌也会引起嗓子沙哑。

** 文章取自39健康网。

【 家人患上癌症,该不该告诉他实情】

核 心提示:当“癌症”两个字出现在病历上,最迷茫最矛盾的还是患者家属,他们都要考虑一个问题,那就是要不要把实情告诉病人。如果告诉的话病人能承受吗,会 不会加快病情恶化?如果不告诉的话会不会让病人起疑,是否侵犯了病人的知情权,怎么才可能瞒得住?究竟,“癌”该不该说出来……




   事实上,现实生活中有许多患者不知道自己生了癌或尚未确诊之前,常常活得很好,活得很长。但是在得知自己患了癌症以后,精神瞬间崩溃,表现得非常惊恐、 忧虑,对人生悲观绝望,对治疗前景不抱任何希望,导致人体的免疫功能迅速下降,从而加快病情恶化速度。甚至因此而选择自杀。



   病人有权知道自己的病情和存活期,以便自己更好地来安排人生的最后时光,这比稀里糊涂地去世留下遗憾强。而作为亲人,实在也不忍心看着他像傻子一样地被 蒙在鼓里。话说回来,别以为在病人面前一套,背后一套他会感觉不到,病人在这种不详的气氛中产成猜疑更容易演化为悲哀、消极的心理障碍。






辣木对糖尿病的療效更多探討 http://jkzjlt.h.baike.com/article-1425198.html


辣木的癌症療效http://sufarms.com/ 34

學名:Oil of Ben Tree
九.藥材: (一)有木栓化樹皮.芳香的花排成圓錐花序.鼓槌般的長筴果內含油性植物種子;(二)辣木

十.成分:辣 木營養超級豐富.從為他A.B.C.蛋白質到鈣.鉀.鐵等礦物質幾乎一應俱全.根據學者統計只要三湯匙的辣木葉粉末就含有幼兒每日所需的270%維他命 A;42%的蛋白質;125%的鈣;70%的鐵及22%的維他命c.科學家研究發現.辣木所含的鈣質是牛奶的四倍.鉀是香蕉的三倍.鐵是菠菜的三倍.維他 命c是柑橘的七倍.為他A是貝塔胡蘿蔔素是胡蘿蔔的四倍.而辣木籽油比起橄欖油更為健康.有益人體.

(一) 印度和非洲是人們印象中的貧苦之地.印度次大陸好幾億人口.生活在貧窮線下.非洲黑暗大陸.更是戰亂飢荒頻傳.缺水.疾病及營養不良造成無數生靈塗炭.只 是在這種惡劣的環境中卻產一種被科學家譽為神奇之樹[辣木].它不但具備不可思議的豐富營養.還可以用來治療糖尿病.高血壓等病的要才.還具有淨水的功 能.堪稱是一種萬用植物 .

(二) 印度及塞內加爾以辣木葉做成醬料.而在尼羅河谷地.辣木果筴搗碎後是很有效的淨水劑.
(三) 奈及利亞人用辣木碎葉洗鍋具.牙買加從辣木幹中取得藍色染料.辣木籽油是極佳的食用油.而且不會腐壞.因此可以用作防腐劑.甚至潤滑油.
(四) 西非的醫生用辣木治療糖尿病.印度用以防治高血壓.它對若干皮膚病也有奇效.在美國和印度.南非等地早就有人拿來食用和療病.古埃及更早拿來煉油香料銷售給國外做化妝品原料.它的精油不但可美白肌膚外可以防老化.更可貴的它能除皺紋淡化斑點.消除青春痘等奇效.
(五) 辣木葉新奇的效能從除菌淨化污水補充營養到糖尿病.高血壓.風濕症.各種疾病.辣木最為人津津樂道之處.他全株均可食用.有人因此形容辣木是植物界的超人克拉克的肯定.看似平凡無奇.實則神通廣大.

(六) 瓜地馬拉的聖卡洛大學研究發現辣木粉及樹根含有一 種抗菌成分治療皮膚病和感染很有效.學者鄭重聲明樹皮及樹根等可以降低血壓和血糖.治療各種炎症腫大瘤疾.及如腸胃不適.風施政.關節炎等.甚至可舒緩神 經系統.對歇斯底里及止痛都有作用.值得注意的是.藥植物適量為藥.過量成毒.像辣木樹皮在印度用作打胎藥.但有時會造成孕婦血崩而喪命.
(七) 根據美國華盛頓人學博士生奧爾森鄭重聲明.辣木可以增強免疫力.可煉免疫力疫苗.防腫瘤擴大.癌細胞擴散.在美國和印度列入國寶級植物.
(八) 體外試驗發現有阻止癌細胞對Cridine和Tirymidime的吸收.在動物實驗1.可使帶患癌動物的遲緩型皮膚反應降低.恢復到正常;2.帶患癌動 物已以異種的紅血球礦員所生的抗體產生能力降低.Krerrin可阻止TgG抗體抗氧紅血球細胞與1gm抗體Hamrtrter紅血球細胞的能力降 低;3.本品可使帶癌症之動物感染抵抗力恢復.使宿主恢復到正常的免疫力來抑制癌細胞的增值.由於本品非化學殺菌劑.可減少化學副作用.
(九 ) 辣木有人拿來作為淨水劑.根據實驗一顆辣木籽押碎後就能使一公升污濁的水變成乾淨水.其中的雜質及細菌都會凝結後沉澱.更奇妙的是它不像一般的化學淨水劑硫化鋁.使用過量會產生毒性副作用.
(十) 根據天麗天然植物農場醫藥研究中心做臨床醫學測驗追中報導如下:用辣木提煉注射液.對貝拋棄患有嚴重皮膚病和皮膚癌的流浪狗做注射實驗.用辣木葉粉末同一 時間服用.一星期後患病狗皮膚乾燥不在流膿水.同時和小白鼠次是同樣效果.每星期打一針連續打四星期.結果很驚奇的發現這些病狗不但皮膚病痊癒了.在長出 新毛髮來.變成一之美麗可愛犬隻.可見辣木的免疫力強校外.不久的將來辣木可再台提煉腫瘤的免疫力液苗.據該研發中心測試所紀錄辣木效用廣大.對各種癌症 細胞還能阻止它擴散外.還能防腫瘤和癌細胞的病變.難怪科學界看好身價大力推廣.
(十一) 辣木葉和刺天茄治鼻咽癌.
(十二) 辣木葉和刺天茄.車前草治膀胱癌.
(十三) 辣木莖葉和刺天茄.小本山葡萄.一顆蘋果打歲治胃腸癌.
(十四) 辣木莖葉和刺天茄.小本山葡萄.龍葵地下根.治一般毒瘤.
(十 五) 辣木對淨化血液特別有幫助.血液是近康的根本.當我們的血液成酸性時.我們的身體容易發生病變.所以淨化血液能夠強化體質.防範感染發病.並且能夠把已患 的病狀趕散到正常.身體因為外在或內在的原因.新陳代謝失常.代謝物在血液和組織中無法排除.因造成[毒血症].這才是一切疾病的根源.包括傳染病和慢性 病在內.細菌只有在毒性血液中方能發生破壞作用.所以自然療法強調[萬病一因].根據液體病理學.萬病一因.一切疾病的根源赧是毒血症.而毒血症則是[自 體中毒]行成的.由於錯誤的飲食習慣.錯誤的生活方式.情緒的因素和環境的污染.使排泄功能緩慢.因而引起身體中毒現象.
摘錄自”自然保健月刊第231期 2003.04”

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